Friday, November 7, 2014

HTML Intro

3 things that I want to learn
-What the limitations of HTML coding are
- Who created the HTML tag system
- Can I use it in everyday life to better my computer skills, I've never needed it before so why should I need to know it now.

2 things that I have learned \
-HTML is a mark up language for describing web documents and stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Which is a set of tags that each describe different document content
- HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets

1 thing that I'm concerned about making a webpage
- remembering how to use HTML and getting the coding wrong.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blog Post #1, Q2; Binary Code

+ sign is equal to a 1
- sign is equal to a 0
Comma's separate letters 

-+---,--+-+,-++--,-++--,-++++,  -++-+,++--+,  -+++-,----+,-++-+,--+-+,  -+--+,+--++,  --+-+,-++--,-+--+,++-+-,----+,---+-,--+-+.+-+--,-+---.